Who would you like to invite to Bridges this Sunday?
Hey Y’all,
Table Leaders are the heart of Bridges! THIS SUNDAY at 4pm we will have another Table Leader Training to provide y’all with the skills to lead well. This is for current table leaders and those who would like to be a table leader. If you wanna become a table leader, email me to let me know!
Julie Join us at 5pm as we start the new series:
 “The Life God Called You To”.
This Sunday we will continue to learn Line Dances at 2:30pm and the Waltz at 3:30pmYou do not need to have a partner to attend.
In place of Bridges, we will celebrate Independence Day on Sunday, July 3rd at 4pm in Applegate with a potluck. Ladies, please bring a side dish and Men bring some meat to grill (enough for 6 people). Also bring a lawn chair so you’ll have a place to sit and enjoy the firework show in Colfax. It’ll be a memory makin night!
Love you guys, 
Michael Baggett
Founding/Teaching Pastor
Bridges is hosted by
10020 Foothills Blvd., Roseville, CA 95747
Got Questions?
Email us at [email protected]
Need Prayer?
Email us at [email protected]
Connect with others from Bridges with our Facebook Groups:
If you’re going on a hiking trip, post it in the Bridges Outdoor group and see if others will join the fun. If you found a helpful video dancing tutorial, share it in the Bridges Dancer’s group so y’all can learn a new dance move! enjoy the dance together.
These groups are intentionally set up to help you connect with more people at Bridges and to build deeper relationships.